Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Just how To Be Satisfied In Today's Crazy Globe: 3 Tricks From Study

They need to make routine visits to the property to check on the maintenance issues that the managing agency is responsible for and to give prompt attention to any urgent repair problems or tenant complaint. Sometimes their problems or flaws rub off on us, negatively affect our lives, and cause more stress. Augustine said, “Solvitur Ambulando”—which means, “It is solved by walking.” So many problems can be solved by walking. Traveling solo can be an invigorating experience because of the freedom it provides. Even a brief home workout or daily walk provides numerous physical and mental health benefits. Mindfulness Become aware of the role your thoughts play in the quality of your daily life. Are your thoughts self-supporting or self-defeating? When you try to block all of the feelings that are allocated to you as a human, you don’t get to experience life to the fullest. You must avoid having a pessimistic view of life and search for ways to assist with improving your outlook. How you view the event and how you think it affects you and your life is really all that there is in the situation. It’s all well and good to tell people to value time over money, or to practice mindfulness, but if you’re holding down three part-time jobs and barely making rent, are these tips really applicable to your life? You’re not very successful but if you keep buying new things, people will think you are. If you gradually start buying less and less new things, this will eventually become your new normal. But they can also be little things, such as a co-worker who offered you a cup of coffee or the neighbor who waved to you. Make sure to try new things, experiment and do things you might not do otherwise. When you do these simple things you will automatically feel good and be happy. Feeling happier can be as simple as spending more time in nature. Spending time with animals makes me all soft and gooey on the inside. Introverts recharge their social batteries and internal energy by spending time alone with themselves or their hobbies. Google makes every effort to be as energy efficient as possible, which is a mind-set that is encouraged in their employees. Can we make an effort to become happy? If so, you definitely aren’t alone—but the hard truth is if you don’t know how to be happy with what you have, then it’s unlikely that anything you can buy will make you any happier. Either way if the customer is then going to pick up the phone, who are they going to call - the number 2 company of course - You! You can remind yourself that you are in transition because you made the conscious choice to experience more happiness. Gratitude is a powerful tool to cultivate happiness. But that is a lie and a tool of abuse. Jouraling is a great tool to help you create this new belief. This can help you become more satisfied with life and become happier. Here’s how. These are the 16 most important steps to find happiness in your life again. They understand that they are in control of what happens to them and how they interpret the world. Pick one and see what happens. Happiness is just one piece of the puzzle, albeit an important one. True happiness is something that can be learned. We all want to ensure we make our relationship the best it can be so we always have the love and adoration of our man. Schedule your me time and figure out what's important for you to be your best. It makes them feel safe and secure to know that they can turn to their person during their time of need, and to celebrate the wins when they happen. Small wins Part of learning how to be happy with yourself comes with life experiences. Being grateful. Seeing everything in your life as something amazing. Good quality dog food will save you money in the long run by reducing the number of veterinarian visits your dog will require and the heartache of seeing an unhealthy dog. If you are sick, alone, in a war, dominated by craziness and despair, money cannot save you. It is the wise and saintly unconscious mind, that tries to save the human side of your conscience from the wild, primitive side that is responsible for the existence of craziness in the human mind. It actually helps to be insured just to be on the safe side when situations arise. You can learn to be happier when you stop dwelling on the negative and focus on the more positive side of things. Gratitude can help bring your attention back to the things that are going well, which gives you something more positive to focus on while you are trying to ride out a spell of loneliness. What are your top tips for wanting less and being content with what you have? 4 Ways to Stop Letting Little Things Bother You — Do you ever have one of those days when life’s little annoyances get to you more than they should. 3. One weekly Clean-for-All: One day a week, you and the family finish up the rest of the housecleaning that didn't get done during the week, or any larger jobs. Rest Getting the right amount of sleep is important for feeling refreshed and focused. You can help your quality of life by practicing good sleep habits and getting plenty of uninterrupted rest. Don't just think about a happy time in your life because that emotion was temporary. Don’t waste your time comparing your life to others. Happiness is simply found when living, it is not a 'thing', it cannot be owned, it comes naturally to us when our attitude to life is simple and child-like and free from pressure and preconceived ideas. Unfortunately, you won’t find happiness outside of yourself. Take advantage of sunny days by getting outside - but don’t forget the sunscreen. Home cooked meals are generally healthier than take out. So many of us are chasing other people’s definitions of happiness. After all, there are many different definitions of happiness. We can find a lot of different definitions for Happiness, in fact, Happiness can have a different meaning for any of us. In fact, according to Noam Shpancer Ph.D. According to Lisa Firestone Ph.D. Use this phrase to perform a reality check on yourself. You can also use that time to start building on and improving your culinary skills. Solitude is a great time to get back in touch with your passions or cultivate new ones. The human life is riddled with pain and discomfort and it seems sometimes that no matter how hard we try, we can’t get ahead. For example, let's say you determined that you will adhere to Stoicism as your life philosophy. If your partner or close friend is sad or angry then there is a possibility that you will feel that emotion as well. Then decide what to do next. If you get stuck, then check out the 11 workout routines that you can do first thing in the morning. Is it the thing itself that you think will make you happy or the feeling you will get when you have the thing?

Don’t just think about the things that matter most—make sure you do more of what matters too. But things don’t always run that smoothly. Find something so funny, or so ridiculous, or so outrageous that the only response is to laugh until tears run down your face. My first response is that first you have to decide to be happy! When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Enrol now and learn to live a more happy and fulfilling life! Can you change the subject or act so positive that they move away to a more miserable crowd? Also, whether you act on your urge or not, take note of how you feel afterwards. Do something nice for somebody else, a random act of kindness. Learn what things you enjoy doing that don't require anybody else, and do them more and more often. Then, eliminate the things that cause your suffering and develop the things that lead to your happiness. What are some secrets on how to find happiness? So many people think they need others to be truly happy, or they are afraid of what it means to be alone. Being alive means having the privilege to feel all of the feelings and have all of the thoughts humans can conjure up. Choose to think happy thoughts rather than just accepting whatever comes into your mind. Touching on passions that bring you joy can help you fill your mind with positive thoughts and push out the negative. This will help you reframe your decision not to buy as a positive choice instead of a negative. Movement Exercise stimulates your blood flow, which can help you feel better. While some people enjoy very intense exercise - and the endorphins it can generate - even a small amount of movement is beneficial and can help improve mood, lessen stress, and improve sleep. If it is a family member, at least limit the amount of time you spend with them. Just don’t let time-wasting activities take up a significant amount of your alone time. Habits take time to form, so practice, practice, practice. We can choose to give in to the negative voices in our heads or we can take steps to turn things around. It’s difficult to keep up with those things when you are trying to work your schedule around others. Sure, we are comfortable among his pithy aphorisms found in the book just preceding this one—the one known as Proverbs. Our journey of discovery together is designed to require one brief month. Did you just wake up one more and feel blah? Know that no matter where you are on the happiness scale, you still can wake up each morning happy and ready to face the day. In our research, the people who scored the highest on the baseline test generally said they genuinely were happy to wake up in the morning. “What we believe would make a huge difference in our lives actually, according to scientific research, makes only a small difference, while we overlook the true sources of personal happiness and well-being,” Lyubomirsky writes. Happiness is often a goal that people don’t believe is achievable. Don’t feel guilty about treating yourself. Sunshine Sunshine typically makes people feel happier. When you feel down, as if you can’t do anything, just put your face in the sunshine. 2. Put your face in the sunshine. She presents tools, tips and new perspectives that will put you on the path to being a happier person and a more successful person, to reach your own version of fulfillment. Everyone has a different path. Happiness should be the purpose of your existence, and there is a definite path that you can follow to achieve it. Can we find the happiness we seek? Sometimes that can be a bit troublesome too, because you call yourself and get the voicemail, and the recordings might get in the way. Friends get busy, relationships can get strained or end, and sometimes life just pulls us away from our social groups. Devote some time to your husband, to your relationship, because this life is too short for keeping grudges against the one with whom you are going to spend your last breath with! Men love all gadgets however they are and they enjoy figuring it out. Let’s be honest, figuring out how to be happy with yourself in the moment can be a bit of a struggle. This slight obsession we have with figuring out our own happiness may be due to the fact that we’re bad at it—or at least that’s what some research says. Without the love and fellowship of friends, loneliness may become a factor that can detract from your health, happiness, and overall well-being. If you are feeling lost and full of sorrow instead of happiness, you can turn things around. What are your big dreams? Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Dreams come true, not free; part of that price is realizing that alas, one more time, that elusive joy, that fleeting happiness, has escaped our clutches. It is not the proverbial Solomon but a weary and despairing one who cried out into the emptiness his questions of passion and pathos: Why do I feel so empty? If you find the passion and fulfillment in what you are and do first, the check, the car, the status, and all that stuff will come later. If so, here are four ways to stop letting the little things bother you. We think things and people make us happy, but the truth is that we can make ourselves happy. Stop putting so much value on what others think and stop striving for perfection. Here’s what I’ve learned about being happy with what you have and how to genuinely stop wanting more. Finally, one of the keys to feeling happy with what you have and not wanting more is to remind yourself what matters most. Are you one of these people who can not start the day without having to know what's going on in the world? Accept your flaws. Claim the fact that you are a wonderfully flawed human! Moving at a human pace for ten days has made me feel more human again. Instead, buying stuff you don’t really need will only lead to less money and more stress overall. You’re not “giving up” on something new; instead, you are choosing to have more of what really matters to you. The struggle with loneliness often includes guilt that we are somehow conducting our lives incorrectly. Or is this is hard for you, what’s your biggest struggle? Having time to yourself, where you don’t have the needs of others imposed on you, gives you an opportunity to start and develop new routines and habits that can boost your emotional state. This is an opportunity for you to rewrite your life on your terms so choose wisely. This will give your life a purpose and, ultimately, some happiness.

4. Develop routines that will improve your health and happiness. Routines often serve as a foundation for building better health and happiness. Gratitude is something that can profoundly change your life for the better. Even when the cards are stacked against you, the way in which you play them and approach the game can mean the difference between a happy life and one filled with regret and shame. What is important is that you remember that you are still on your path, still facing forward, and you can still have what you want. What the Dalai Lama taught him was that you need to learn to be happy with what you have and not want what you don’t have. In a series of interviews, he asked the Dalai Lama how he achieved inner peace, calmness, and happiness. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a 1-on-1 conversation with the Dalai Lama? If someone asked me what I thought was important in my friends, I'd say "funny" or "like to have a good time" and while these are okay answers, it's still not a real thing. There are usually some common threads—feelings of insecurity, a struggle with comparisons, and deeply held beliefs about success—but ultimately, you need to understand what makes YOU tick. This is definitely one reason why you might struggle to feel satisfied with what you have but the good news is you can reverse lifestyle creep. Gratitude is not just one of those hippy-dippy things that people do to be cool. But even during the tough times I'd remind myself that eventually things would work out and I deserved what I wanted. Healing takes time but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy happy times along the way. It decides how much time you waste and how much time you utilize. People say it can't be measured, it's a waste of time to pursue it and that happiness is not really measurable at all. People's success in life, rather than being the cause for happiness, may in fact be the outcome of happiness. The terms of trade may change. What was the moment of change for you? Life is full of precious moments; you get to choose how you are going to feel in every moment. If this is true then why are so many of us unhappy? You can't say all these pretty words, wait for the storm to pass, and then go right back to the faulty way you've been doing things. We all want to be happy, right? If you are wondering how to be happy, these suggestions might help. If you are interested in learning more about affirmations, I suggest that you read the articles about affirmations, here at this website or my book about this topic. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, "Happy Birthday to You" is the most popular song in the English language. In the noontime of his life came Proverbs, a book of heavenly rules for earthly living on the Main Streets of the world. Consider the following 10 tips for how to live a happy life. I'll tell you how I told her to respond in the following article. The following resources will help you find more joy and ease in your life—exactly where you are right now. Here are 10 solid, actionable tips on how to do that! And we are trying to cultivate real happiness here. 5. Understand that you are free and have endless opportunities. You, too, have the ability to have a good time, enjoy happiness, and find fulfillment whilst alone. So look for the good in people and then look for the problem you have with the situation and fix it from within. When you first bash your head on something, maybe your helmet will split in half and fall off your head, but then you might stick a landing poorly instead of rolling with it and bust your ankle. Program it in your diary or somewhere you’ll remember it and stick to the plan each day. Again, set a time budget and use your timer to stick to that budget. Maybe it’s been a long time since you’ve felt in touch with your passions. It’s not that happiness is unachievable or that hard work isn’t rewarded. If there isn’t a furry friend nearby, my mood lifts even with a picture on Instagram. You could start with a small simple activity or gesture, enough to spark off those positive feelings, and then build up from there. If you're a 'happy slob' like me - just a laid back, fun natured person who'd rather be doing anything but cleaning - then it might be just the solution you've been looking for. You have a grateful attitude, you have known your problem, and find the solution. Recognize that you have choices While you can’t prevent many of the difficulties that you'll encounter in life, you can control how you respond to them. By focusing on what’s good in our life, we can keep the negativity from overwhelming our minds. A person who is sad because they are lonely may feel that negativity creeping into other areas of their life. …the people who moved to green areas saw a big reduction in depression, and the people who moved away from green areas saw a big increase in depression. In this course your Instructor Alli Saunders shares her tools, mindset, perspectives and practices regarding happiness and success, that she has learned throughout her life living in multiple different areas in the world, and through running several businesses. You just have to remember that you are also part of their life. If your environment is often without sun, lamps that are specially designed to mimic sunlight may be an option. You may enjoy watching an entire season of Dexter in a single sitting. Someone else's attitude does not have to become your own and ruin your entire day. The tune is very relaxing and if one is not careful might put someone to sleep if get to relax while looking at their virtual fish tank a bit too much. Oh, and one more thing about this book—it was penned by the wisest man on earth: Solomon. But, being alone doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Welcome to our 'How to Be Happy & Have the Life You Want: Tools For Success' course! It's the small stuff in life that can sometimes make you the happiest. That doesn’t mean having bubble baths and buying new clothes, although that stuff does make you feel good. That doesn’t mean that it will disappear altogether. It doesn’t need to be that way forever and you’re not in competition with everyone else. Too often though, we want the "what do I need to do" list of items, when all along the Lord has been showing and telling us what NOT to do! More than anything though, worrying means that we are living in the future. The last term means the quantity of land necessary for providing the population with food products and neutralization of industrial wastes. Don’t complain about your food or the service (even though you’ll want to because you are in a bad mood) and leave a really big tip.

If you don't have experience in this (particularly if you are a novice landlord) your solution may be a property management service. Start small. Find a goal or two that are relatively easy to accomplish. Eventually, once you’ve re-written your story, started practising gratitude, and surrounded yourself with like-minded thinkers, you’ll naturally start wanting less. It can be really frustrating when you’ve paired your life with another person. Remember, sometimes it’s the little joys in life like a hot cup of coffee, a good book, or a long hug that make it all worthwhile! On your pathway to happiness, you will probably encounter a lot of people that are dealing with similar issues like you. What are your values and priorities? Caring about your core values is key to understanding why you should and shouldn't do things. Spend your time doing the things that you want to do in the ways that you want to do them. People who spend a lot of time making money generally do so because they believe that the money itself will make them happy, or will guard them against things that will make them unhappy. Money can't make you happy but it can remove many of the issues that make you unhappy. So we’ve condensed some of the highlights and insights into a mini-course you can take right now. You feel trapped and unsatisfied with the way life is treating you right now, or the way life has turned out and all you want is an escape from the hurt and pain. Life is full of ups and downs, so don’t strive to feel good all the time. Life can be busy and hectic enough, sometimes just having the time to sit back and enjoy a nice cup of green tea could be something that can refresh and revive you. You need to be nice to yourself. Very nice tune that is played during the game as it is soft and gentle. We all have the option of drawing new cards in our game of life. Sometimes, these little splatter shows can be the funnest part of the game. Sometimes, the people we choose to surround ourselves with aren’t the most positive or greatest people to be around. So much advice focuses around surrounding oneself with healthy, positive people… but pretty much everyone has some kind of dirt or grime to them. I am very proud of my boys how they have handled the situation and I can truly say that they are very balanced and kind young men. Seems like there are just a few people who haven’t met loneliness. Going on a long walk is something like rewinding a grandfather clock by hand. When picked up he pats her face, puts his gentle tiny hand into her hair and clings close to her body. In other words, they are playing the hand they were dealt, rather than designing a life they enjoy. They become more content with the direction their life is taking and are generally happier in the long run. Make the choice to be happy and celebrate the absolute abundance that flows in your life. Make sure that the window is safe and will never allow for your cat to sneak out or worst of all, FALL! 5. Pet a dog (or cat) or follow one on Instagram. This can all be confusing, and begs the question: how does one reach the goal of being happy? Happiness isn’t waiting for you to get your dream job, reach your magical (and totally arbitrary and unimportant) goal weight, find your true love, discover your purpose, or to buy something new, fancy, bigger or better. I thought you had to reach for happiness, or wait for it. Wait … until I deserved it, until I proved myself worthy of it. Achieving goals can help boost your confidence, and with it, your sense of happiness, too. When this happens, these simple acts help me shift gears so I can feel calm and more at ease in my everyday life. 18. Shift your mood by shifting your body with these recommendations. Cleanliness Keeping your work and home spaces clean and free of clutter may help lift your mood. And while that is true for some people, more and more research is showing that our dissatisfaction may be due less to a broken brain and more to a broken life. Whether you go to work today, change jobs, smile at the bank teller, order fried fish, yell at your kids, complain about life, hold a daily celebration of gratitude for life - they are all choices. 5 Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself — There are, of course, countless ways to be kinder to yourself; these are simply a few that have been particularly powerful. 10 Ways To Slow Down a Busy Day — Sometimes life feels out of control, time gets away from me, and I feel overwhelmed, anxious and stressed. Do you feel happy or dragged down? In fact, as a reformed shopaholic, I can absolutely confirm that eventually wanting more will start to feel strange! In fact, there are those who may spend their time alone, but don’t find themselves to be lonely. Here are 15 simple ideas that will help you find more ease and joy every day. While there are no rules about how to be happy, many people have success with the ideas outlined here. The ideas will feed off each other and lead to new ways of feeling happy. Being lonely without anyone else isn’t a good feeling, but it’s a worse feeling to be with someone who makes you feel lonely. And even if your household’s income is below that threshold, odds are that buying a new sweater or another dinnerware set isn’t going to bring you much long-term joy. If you are working on being someone who is happier in their life, gratitude is going to help get you there. Everyone only wants to live well, without working and only having fun. I know we can’t always feel happy or make ourselves happy, but I also know that looking for happiness in everything but ourselves isn’t working. This isn’t always immediately obvious, which is why I recommend recording your feelings for a few weeks. Why would you want to focus on the happiness of others while you're the one who's struggling to be happy? It's okay to stumble and fall, we all do it at one time or another. It’s a time when you can put your sole focus on yourself, your self-improvement, and spend your time focused on those activities. 3. Don’t spend your time on time-wasting activities. Instead of focusing on loneliness, turn your alone time into a period of self-reflection and improvement. By focusing on the loneliness, it gives more emotional energy to those feelings, which push out other happier aspects of life that may be going well. To end loneliness, you need other people—plus something else. In order to find happiness again, you need to determine what that looks like for you. Note: happiness doesn’t fix sadness or grief but it can add relief. Note: I wrote this post specifically about being satisfied with your physical “stuff” — but to be honest, most of this advice easily applies to any area of life where you feel like you need “more” to be happy.

She didn’t just want to introduce these tools to her students — she wanted to apply them to herself. My brain knew that I didn’t need anything else but I still couldn’t shake the feeling of constantly wanting more. However, I knew that if I wanted to change then I had to challenge my stories and you do too. If you have just lost your job or you have been unemployed for some time then you are probably unhappy about your present situation. Let us see how these emotions are expressed. Never ever let the mind wander idle. Write them down and be specific about why you’re grateful (keeping in mind the true cost of any new purchase— time, money, space and energy!). It’s tempting to sit down and binge watch a television show in your free time, but it won’t bring you any closer to being a happier person. This will show that you are a gentleman and a "man". Maybe not all of those are true for you right now, but certainly some of them are—which means there is good in your life that you can focus on. Meal prepping for the week means you can avoid eating fast food or other junk that can harm your health. Meeting new people or getting involved in another relationship means getting exposed to their wounds too. Researchers at Princeton studied three groups of seminary students on their way to a meeting who passed a needy person on the sidewalk. 15. Unfollow who and what does not serve your heart. Anything that creates a feeling of calmness or joy inside your heart. You’re not alone in feeling that way. Maybe you’re not passionate about anything at all. BUT until that kicks in, you’re going to need to learn how to resist instant gratification—and admittedly, this will be hard at first. Which of your own stories fuel your constant need for more and how can you consciously begin re-writing these stories? You'll be more content once you begin to see happiness as a choice rather than as a good fortune that only some people enjoy. If you can confidently say that you have never been happy in your life, you need to release yourself from that hold and give yourself permission to allow happiness to come from within you. Think about everything else we do to come together—like supporting your kid’s school, say. I used to think happiness was at the mall, or in my paycheck, or maybe at the bottom of my to-do list. ☛ The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom, by Jonathan Haidt. Finding happiness is different for everyone. For many, finding happiness is a life-long effort that they adapt along the way. As it turns out, happiness isn’t waiting for us, it’s within us. 9. Remind yourself that the grass isn’t necessarily greener. I know this probably isn’t news to you—deep down I’m sure you already know that a new purchase isn’t really going to make you happy. Put down your cell phone. Open the door for someone behind you; pick up an empty can or bottle from the ground and put it in the trash can; be that stranger that smiles at others to brighten their day. How can you put this to practice? When you're happy, you can just shout out ureshii! It's a quick way to feel instantly happy, because it helps you realize that your situation isn't as bad as you originally thought. It helps you have a sharper memory, lessens anxiety and improves your mental clarity. Since it requires you to change and grow, your beliefs about the way you live are more positive and your outlook improves. Although there are a number of advantages of living a life alone, we often cannot accept the benefits of such a life. When you’re alone, you have the freedom to dictate whatever it is you want to do, whenever you want to do it. Yes, you'll still have to work at it. ” Some offered their best guesses; others admitted they just made up a response; still others honestly admitted they were clueless. Be grateful for what you have, appreciate who you are, work hard every day to live your best life, and stop comparing yourself to others. If you want to be happy with what you have, try surrounding yourself with people who are happy with what they have. But, are you truly happy? Afterall, without sadness, how can you know when you are happy? If you’re experiencing a positive emotion (e.g. joy, accomplishment, pride, or gratitude), see if you can make it more intense and make it last as long as possible. 3-SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE. Why are so many people unhappy? Whenever you are feeling uncertain, stop and take a moment to breathe deeply. You could also take up a new hobby or activity with your free time. And deep within the quiet of the soul, something suggests that one more time we have looked in the wrong place. Then, I looked for happiness in the approval of others. Happiness doesn’t need you to prove yourself. Children need picking up after soccer practice? Maybe it's difficult at first but with practice it will be easier for you to find the right notes. Taking charge of it and setting things right will get the stress of his shoulder. The key is to identify the things that lead to both your suffering and your happiness. If you’re feeling crowded in your space, try a little cleaning and organizing to see if that boosts your happiness. It doesn't have to be for hours on end, and in fact a little each day is far more beneficial in the long run to raising your overall contentment and wellbeing. Happy people feel their way through life and they allow the good and the bad to penetrate into them so they can have the full human experience. How can you be happy with your life? Instead, it’s like a twitch and you can easily spend hundreds of dollars without even realising it. Instead, just pay attention and ideally, record your observations somewhere. Many people believe that money brings happiness, because if they can pay and fulfil all their desires they imagine that they will be happy forever. Another worthy reply to this query is happiness brings in a positive and stable mental frame of mind. Any time you think something negative, turn it around into a positive opposing force. Focus on the answer to these questions next time you’re struggling with the urge for “more” and see how it changes your perspective. 6. Focus on gratitude and what you do have. It makes sense that what we give our focus and attention to expands. A nap will boost energy and give your baby an excellent start. Happy habits result in a cup of coffee or glass of wine being an option, rather than a necessity to increase energy or reduce stress. Bananas boost your energy the low-cal way. They're full of calming potassium which combines with the calcium in milk to boost baby's growth. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

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